Dress for Success Hiring Tips Tips for Small Businesses

What Today’s Youth Can Offer the Workplace

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In a previous post, we talked about hiring more mature employees and what they can bring to the workplace.

On the flip side, younger employees also bring a different energy to the workplace and may just be the shot of adrenaline your business needs.

Younger employees sometimes get a bad rap due to supposed immaturity, irresponsibility and lack of discipline. While this can be true in some instances, there is a lot to be said for bringing younger employees into your business. Now, keep in mind that we are not encouraging or condoning age discrimination. We are simply outlining the benefits of what younger employees may offer your company.

Benefits of Hiring Young Job Candidates

Here are the top FIVE list of reasons why younger employees are an asset to any business:

1.  New, Fresh Ideas – Employees that are relatively fresh out of college bring the latest industry ideas and information to the workplace. They have been educated with new ideas that can help you reinvent or refresh your business.

2.  Energy – Let’s face it, younger workers probably don’t have the stresses and time constraints that older workers may face.  They are young, have energy and can bring that into your business to infuse it with that extra “oomph” it might need.

3.  They are Responsible – We don’t buy into the idea that young people are irresponsible. We believe that younger workers know how to work and know how precious employment is in this job market. If expectations are given initially, employees (even younger ones) will rise to the challenge.

4.  Creativity – Younger workers bring many “outside the box” ideas to companies. They have grown up in a different age than many of the other workers. They know social media, technology and innovations backward and forwards, inside and out.  They can come up with creative solutions faster than anyone else.

5.  Money – In a business, money is king and drives most decision-making. Luckily for hiring managers, many younger workers don’t expect (or demand) salaries as high as some of their more mature counterparts.  If budgeting is a key concern when hiring someone, younger workers, fresh out of school might be the way to go.

Note to Younger Workers:  If you want a “grown-up” job, then always, always (did we mention always?) dress for the part. Don’t dress down for interviews – always dress like a professional. And no, we don’t mean casual Friday attire.

Read more reasons why your business benefits from hiring Millennials.

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