Human Resources Online Employment Applications

Education Is Key to Modern Day Job Application Statistics

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You want to hire the best, brightest talent available, which is why Ninja Gig has compiled some interesting statistics to help you find and recruit applicants for your organization.

  • 79 percent of job seekers are using social media to conduct a job search. For Millennials, this number increases to 86 percent.
  • Nearly 75 percent of people say their employer does not use social media to promote their brand or job openings.
  • 45 percent of job seekers use mobile devices to search for employment once daily.
  • Job seekers generally look at these five things when applying for a position: salary and compensation, career growth opportunities, work-life balance offerings, location and commute and company culture and values.
  • When advertising sales positions, 94 percent of sales professionals say that the offered base salary is more important than the commission structure.
  • Millennials cite these three important factors when applying for jobs: growth opportunities, retirement benefits and work culture.
  • 46 percent of Millennials left their last job because they felt there was no potential for career growth. This means that Millennials are more skeptical about employers’ claims about supporting advancement.
  • 64 percent of Millennials would be comfortable making $40,000 a year at a job they love than making upwards of $100,000 a year at a job they don’t find challenging. This means that 80 percent of Millennials look at a company’s culture fit and the people first, with career potential coming in second.
  • 69 percent of job seekers say that they would rather be unemployed than accept employment with a company that has a bad reputation. On the flip side, 84 percent of Millennials would leave their current job if a company with an excellent reputation offered them a position.
  • Companies that increase their employee engagement investments by as little as 10 percent can increase employee productivity by $2,400. Additionally, 70 percent of employees that do not have faith or confidence in their senior management do not fully engage at work.

If you want to recruit applicants to your company, create a culture that attracts the best and brightest employees.

Ninja Gig makes it easy for employers’ online job applications to get noticed on social media. Fully customizable, these job applications are a great way to comply with today’s necessary electronic recordkeeping requirements while making it quick and simple for applicants to apply for open positions. Sign up for your 14-day free trial and see what our amazing software can do to help improve your hiring processes!