Human Resources Online Employment Applications

Here’s a Great Review About Ninja Gig’s Effectiveness and Ease of Use!

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I’m the Chief Operations Officer of a small marketing and advertising agency. Recently, we have been looking for a good way to find new, fresh applicants. Most job boards are either too expensive or tedious to enter all the application requirements. We discovered Ninja Gig and decided to try it out. The big draw was the flat monthly fee and that we could customize job applications.

The entire process was simple! We were able to add custom questions to the back end, as well as job requirements. When we posted the three jobs, it immediately went out to all job search channels.

We assumed it would take several days to see any progress in receiving applications. We had the applications go live in the evening, and by the next morning, you can imagine our surprise when we came in to see our inboxes had 274 applicants!

The back end is very straightforward and easy to sort through applicants. I can read through the questions they answered, and if they didn’t follow instructions, I could easily reject those applicants. Additionally, I can score candidates based on my custom application tags. So far, I’ve set up “Detail Oriented – Potential,” “Good Experience,” “Other Role Possible,” “REJECTED” and those based on location.

I can also view, download, add notes or even email the applicants directly through Ninja Gig’s portal, which is so handy! Everything is safely stored, so I comply with all my record keeping requirements – which I love!

In fact, after using Ninja Gig, I have been so impressed that I am recommending it to my friends and family and my husband’s construction company just signed up for their own account!

Thanks, Ninja Gig!

Anna G.
Seattle, Washington

Ninja Gig offers online employment applications. It’s easy to customize job applications and get them in front of applicants. To see how Ninja Gig can help simplify your job application process, sign up for our free 14-day trial.