HR receives thousands of employment applications, but how do you narrow down the list of applicants once you’ve reviewed the necessary criteria? Turn to the world of social media. Whether it’s checking on current employees or screening potential applicants, social media is a powerful tool. Whether employers are looking for candidates that fit well into […]
Finding the right employee for the job can be a difficult process. In today’s tight job market, your inbox might be flooded with job applications online. You can use an online recruitment system to help weed through job applications online and interview dozens of people, none of whom seem to really meet your needs. One […]
Ninja Gig offers employers the convenience of accepting online job applications. While these employment applications are customizable, employers need to know what types of illegal interview questions to avoid or what questions may be questionable under federal laws. In fact, nearly 20 percent of company’s hiring managers admit to having asked a question that is […]
Businesses that rely on online job recruitment to hire their seasonal workforce need to hire and onboard employees that best represent their business to the public and customers. Companies should consider taking a look at operations and overhaul their staffing. Here are some great tips to incorporate this season before using online job recruitment to […]
In today’s competitive job market, candidates are well educated about salary rates based on their industry and location. For companies to stay competitive and attract the best and brightest talent, they need to stay a step ahead of their competition. Developing a solid, yet competitive pay practice that is based on accurate salary data is […]
Hiring can be a complicated process. Typically companies have immediate needs, and then they have long term goals to help them succeed in building a profitable future. Hiring is no exception, which is why companies should employ two main types of strategies: short term and long term. Short Term Hiring Strategies Most employers classify short-term […]
Typically, when employers ask illegal interview questions, they aren’t even aware of their mistakes. Some interview questions may seem harmless; the interviewer may be innocently asking – simply to fill awkward silences or get to know someone better. However, these five questions are illegal to ask in an interview because they are discriminatory and violate state […]
Successful restaurateurs have key processes in place to help their businesses achieve consistency. The dilemma is that many of these processes revolve around recipes, cleanliness, food safety, customer greetings, etc. Some restaurants have policies for scheduling and conflict resolution tactics, which managers can implement. However, far too many restaurants do not have structured recruitment and […]
Whether you post a job opening or not, you might find that you occasionally receive unsolicited resumes from applicants. For some employers, this may raise issues for record retention and unlawful discrimination, but for others, having a supply of resumes on hand can be a lifesaver. Many industries benefit from having an open-ended supply of […]
Social media and online job postings are the new way to attract talented candidates. Human Resources professionals need to have the right points covered in these postings to make a powerful impact. Incorporate the following key points into all job postings: Company – Describe the company and its brand. Based on this opening introduction, applicants […]