The hiring process is time-consuming. It takes a lot of money, and it’s usually an ongoing task. To help prevent bad hires and mistakes, Ninja Gig has compiled a list of tips to help you improve your hiring process and ensure you hire the right candidates the first time around. Better Job Descriptions – If […]
Category: Salary
12 Hot Topic Interview Questions For Human Resources
Today’s job market has some fierce competition, which is why employees need to stand out more than ever. Ninja Gig highlights the latest 12 hot button subjects for human resources departments to incorporate into their interview questions and hiring review process. Results – The bottom line is any interview is to determine what the applicant has […]
Many small businesses don’t have fully operational or staffed human resources departments. Hiring the wrong person for the job can be a very costly mistake and often, it’s one that small businesses just can’t afford. Here’s how to successfully write a job description for small businesses. Do This To Write a Job Description Be Specific – […]
Whether you’re hiring onsite or remote employees, hiring the right employee can be challenging. Hiring the wrong employee can be costly, time-consuming and contribute to a negative work environment. Ninja Gig has compiled the top 10 things HR departments can do to hire the right employee for your organization. Define the job before hiring an […]
One job that has one of the highest turnover rates is customer service representatives. Hiring customer service representatives is not hard, but typically, someone who makes a good representative is born and not taught. This makes it critical for companies to have the necessary interview skills to spot an awesome employee in the making or […]
Whether you’re hiring for part-time summer help or an executive for a corporation, there are 10 employment tips that everyone needs to be familiar with, follow and abide by. Hire qualified applicants, train them to improve their skills and discipline or fire for documented causes. Never try to avoid paying payroll taxes, completing new hire […]
In today’s competitive job market, candidates are well educated about salary rates based on their industry and location. For companies to stay competitive and attract the best and brightest talent, they need to stay a step ahead of their competition. Developing a solid, yet competitive pay practice that is based on accurate salary data is […]
Hiring can be a complicated process. Typically companies have immediate needs, and then they have long term goals to help them succeed in building a profitable future. Hiring is no exception, which is why companies should employ two main types of strategies: short term and long term. Short Term Hiring Strategies Most employers classify short-term […]
In need of hiring janitors that represent your company? You’ve come to the right place. First impressions are important, especially for your customers. If your place of work is dirty or you have an unfriendly cleaning staff, customers won’t want to return. Helpful Tips for Hiring Janitors Recruiting for cleaning staff used to be as […]
Most movie theater employees are teens with first-time jobs, which means it’s essential to have a responsible movie theater manager that has the necessary skills to lead and teach employees. Below are some questions to consider incorporating into regular rotation when interviewing a movie theater manager. Essential Questions for Interviewing a Movie Theater Manager Can you […]