Human Resources Online Employment Applications

Your Guide to Short Term vs. Long Term Hiring Strategies

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Hiring can be a complicated process. Typically companies have immediate needs, and then they have long term goals to help them succeed in building a profitable future. Hiring is no exception, which is why companies should employ two main types of strategies: short term and long term. 

Short Term Hiring Strategies

Most employers classify short-term hiring strategies as those that fulfill an immediate need. This need may or may not exist long-term, but the current demand for a solution requires immediate hiring. Examples of this may include:

Seasonal Employees

Write job descriptions to source candidates that only want seasonal work. Giving preference to “same time, next year,” candidates can help reduce training requirements and also offers customers the opportunity to interact with familiar faces.


Evaluate potential employees through temporary work before extending a full-time offer that commits employers to benefits. This can save employers valuable time, money and the HR headaches of temporarily employing a lousy hire.

Long Term Hiring Strategies

Long-term hiring strategies are a critical component of a company’s success. Whether it’s replacing an employee or creating a new position, having a plan in place is necessary to building a strong company culture and foundation. 

Corporate Strategy

A long-term recruiting strategy should coincide with a company’s corporate strategy. Hiring employees that fit your company goals and culture are essential. Review your business strategies and plan and hire employees that match those long-term goals.

Company Brand

Having a strong company brand will not only help you create a long-term recruitment strategy, but it will have a direct impact on employee retention. When developing a company brand, consider the following:

  • What are the company’s core values?
  • What is the company’s structure?
  • How do you recognize or reward employees?
  • Do you offer career advancement?
  • What type of work/life balance do you offer employees?

Once you have created your corporate strategy, advertise it everywhere – from offer letters, marketing materials and welcome emails. 

Social Media Hiring Strategies

Using social media to foster a talented pool of potential job applicants is also critical. It’s more than just posting jobs; it’s about fostering engagement. Turn the people that like your page into those that want to work for you! 

Job Postings and Descriptions

Make sure that your corporate strategy and goals are on your website and that your career page highlights your company’s mission and culture. Job descriptions should be more than just bullet points and skills. They should reflect the company’s culture and brand while describing what the job actually entails. 

If you implement balanced short-term and long-term hiring and recruitment goals for your company, you’ll find it easier to maintain any job turnover and that you’ll attract some of the best, brightest talent around. 

Ninja Gig allows companies of all sizes to develop an automated hiring process for online recruitment. Our easy-to-use online job application software allows companies to create legally compliant job applications online. Not only can companies accept job applications online, but our applicant tracking system makes it easy to evaluate talent, highlight promising applicants and contact them for interviews. If you want to learn more about Ninja Gig, sign up today for a free trial and experience how our advanced online recruitment software can simplify your hiring process.