Communication Employee Retention Morale

Why You Should Never Skip the Dreaded Annual Review

You’ve probably spent a lot of time this year doing online recruitment, hiring and retaining good employees. The last thing you want to do is lose any good employees because you dread conducting annual reviews. Putting Online Recruitment and Hiring To Work Chances are you have a good team put in place, but maybe you […]

Communication Hiring Tips Job Interviews

The Best, Creative Job Interview Questions

What phrase or word best describes you? What color best represents you, and why? We’ve all heard weird job interview questions during the hiring process that make you think, “What does this have to do with anything?” Well, sometimes, the questions are posed just to see how fast people can think on their feet. Other times, the questions […]

Communication Firing Employees

How to Fire an Employee with Less Stress

Having to fire an employee can be an extremely stressful and daunting task for a seasoned manager. Even if an employee has received warnings about behavior, no one thinks they’ll actually get fired. In reality, you’d like to drop-kick that employee out of your business, but to keep things fair and legal, may we offer […]

Communication Employee Retention Morale

The Number One Trait in a Good Boss

You want to be the best boss. The legendary boss that your employees talk about on Facebook, which inspires jealousy among all their friends. To be the best boss, you must have the number one trait that good bosses have. That trait is R-E-S-P-E-C-T. To be successful, you need employer and employee respect. Just having the title […]

Communication Morale

When Is Gossip in the Workplace Helpful?

A recent study that came out of the University of Amsterdam found that 90 percent of all workplace conversations consist of gossip. Now handling workplace gossip can be challenging at times at this statistic sounds a bit alarming at first. No one likes a gossiper, but the study found that sometimes gossip can be helpful at […]

Communication General Hiring Tips Job Interviews

How to Save Time in Job Interviews

When hiring, you usually go into the process because you need someone quickly. Here are a few tips to save time during interviews. You’re not cutting corners, just weeding out the less qualified even quicker. Within a week of posting a job opening, you could have dozens of applications sitting on your desks – maybe even […]

Communication Employee Retention Morale Salary

Bracing for the New Year With New Employee Tax Issues

As a business owner, you have to worry about hiring the right person, training the right person, paying the right salary and basically doing everything. Are we right? Even though you may do everything you’re supposed to, some things are out of your control, such as employee tax issues. This year, your employees will see less […]