Green Air Environmental, LLC

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Business Development Manager - Air Cleaning Systems Services
Atlanta, GA 30214
2 days ago
Coil Cleaner (HVAC, no experience needed) - Charlotte, NC metro
Concord, NC 28025
20 days ago
HVAC Coil Cleaner (no experience needed) - Atlanta, GA -
Fayetteville, GA 30214
15 days ago

About Green Air Environmental, LLC
Green Air Environmental, LLC is a specialized firm that uses a chemical-free, pressurized steam to clean Air Handling Units and HVAC systems. This process improves energy efficiency in HVAC systems which helps Green Air’s clients all along the East Coast live, breathe, and save green. We also provide high-quality and long-lasting Air Duct Cleaning services.

The Green Air process was born out of frustration and genuine concern about the traditional way Air Handling Units and HVAC systems were being cleaned. After years of working in the HVAC industry, Tim Robinson, our President, knew something needed to change. From concerns about the traditional chemical cleaning process that was causing harm to the environment and to the people whose lives it was designed to enhance, Tim worked to develop a custom steam and proprietary process that has made clean breathing air and energy cost savings a reality for many organizations. Many years later, and he's still at it!

Green Air relies completely on a devoted, dedicated team to serve our clients graciously and expeditiously. We work hard to create a flexible, friendly and fair atmosphere that appeals to many hardworking, not-afraid-to-get-a-little-dirty individuals. Green Air Environmental, LLC is an at-will, Equal Opportunity Employer.